Dear Blog,
It’s been awhile. I walked away in December for a couple different reasons. The main one being my class ended, so why keep up? Well, if I remember correctly, one of the points of the class was to try and have a meaningful blog to establish ourselves as writers? That being said, I crashed and burned pretty hard at the end of that semester so I chose to walk away from it.
On my first adventure this summer, I decided that I should probably pick the blogging habit up again and for real try this time. Considering, in the fall I will be taking Writing for the Web, and I’m 97.9% sure I will have to blog again – it takes seven days to create a habit!
So, this post serves as a re-introduction and instead of playing catch up, we’ll just jump right into my life.
Here goes nothing…
School ended a couple weeks ago and I think it had to have been the worst so far. The moral of the story is, don’t get hit by a car at the beginning of finals week. (Oh, don’t worry. I was fine it was just a bump. Clearly, I am still alive. But I still don’t recommend it at all.)
I guess you can say my summer is in full swing? Well, to a certain extent. I am currently being scheduled full time since I am down to one job for the summer – I love working seven days in a row! But because of this full time cashier position and pretending to be a grown up with an apartment and bills, I am not spending my summer in RVA – you know, the 8OH!4. But hopefully, my social life will expand a bit more, because believe it or not, I now have friends in this city (Sam, Em, and Mark). Em promised me a good summer, so I’ll let you know whether or not she’s holding her side of the deal. Can’t. Wait. To. Hang. Out.
This past weekend, I took a trip home for my mom’s housewarming party. It almost offends me when people’s first reactions to learning that my mom moved is, “did she tell you?” Why wouldn’t she tell me? People must have awful parents…
Anyway, so I spent Friday night at my favorite subway and hanging out with my BFFs, brother, Nana and Pop-Pop, and of course my mom and stepdad and his mom. Ali, Kirsten, and I did visit my favorite store, Wal-Mart, at 1 o’clock in the morning and almost died going through neighborhoods at 70MPH.
Saturday I drove Kirsten to PAL so she could get her new kitten Kreacher checked out and stuff. It was a nice day at home full of harassment – my favorite.
Sunday was the “warm house party” and naturally, large groups of people bring out the best of me and Christopher (my brother). Of course, when I find out the group of boys are playing a boxing game on the PS3, I decide real boxing is a much better idea and get my boxing gloves to box my brother in the family room in front of a bunch of strangers. I also got to see my friend Shatara from high school for the first time in a year and a half, and that was pretty awesome. I forgot how much I love her and NEED her in my life. I hate meeting new people that don’t get you and they don’t even try to understand what you’re doing. On Sunday I did a lot of standing around with a fake smile, talking to strangers, and telling them all about art school and how much I like Philadelphia.
Monday was my designated shopping day because I hate everything about myself and want to start over, (I know I won’t change, I’m too stubborn). I only bought a pair of jeans and belly button decorations. Kohls and Target failed me. We also took my brother bowling, which was a fun adventure. It’s always amusing when you put a group of Chesterfield kids into a place full of Short Pump kids – oh boy are we 73873647823 times more obnoxious than normal. I won and scored a 100 – that was the highlight of my night. I am also a cell phone thief.
Currently, we just pulled into Baltimore; so close to Philly, but too far from Richmond. My trip home was cut way too short. Slowly I’m finding out I am not ready to accept and deal with things I thought I was perfectly capable of doing.
Alright Blog, I am going to go and maybe take another nap and deicide who I am going to buy a pizza for tonight before I get to my city. I’ll post you when I get back to my Internet.