Hey, I know what you're thinking, it's been a week and I haven't degraded myself or made fun of anything or talked about Joe Jonas, but my blogging has been regulated, and suddenly I have nothing to say. I guess it's the punk inside of me rebelling against authority.
My Brain: boysboysboysboys.
Last Thursday was the strangest day for boy behavior, but don't worry, I figured it out. There was a full moon on Friday. Apparently, boys are like dogs and get really weird around full moons. It's whatever. I have the giggles.
Believe it or not I do yoga. I enjoy the pain of a twist and I love pushing myself stubborn so I won't give up no matter how much my body shakes and I begin to sweat. I did yoga in my high school gym class as a sophomore and people were amazed at how well I could bend and twist, but it was normal for me. I was a crazy cheerleader in my past, so bending my body wasn't unfamiliar to me. I excelled in class, even lost some much needed weight, up until I hurt my knee and practically failed gym. But I started yoga again last spring semester and it has been amazing. Every Tuesday at 10 when I walk out of that dance studio I feel like the LIttle Mermaid when she first gets her legs. Today, with it's fall-like weather, reminded me of my favorite feeling included in yoga. When I started yoga again in January it was obviously cold outside, so I would fall out of bed at 8 AM and bundle up in my sweats and walk to the studio shivering. Once that studio door closes the room gets STUFFY really quick. Sure, we could open the windows but then the city noises aren't muffled anymore. When I roll out of corpse, ohm, and nameste and walk back outside - that cold air is the best feeling on my cheeks. I would walk out in the middle of freezing February without a jacket. The cold wind flushing my cheeks out and giving my arms and legs goosebumps was a reward for my yoga practice - I didn't give up today. This morning, I felt that. My body shook, I relaxed my jaw, I stayed calm, and I made it to the end. "Finding the place between comfort and effort." Feeling the fall breeze on my face with my hair flying back and whipping in the wind, it reminded me why I wake up at 8 in the morning to go to yoga.
On Sunday I started my new job - holy shit. I was tired and worn out but still excited. I'm not nervous or confused, but I don't know what's going on. Today I will walk in there and not know anything at all. It's weird. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm not worried I won't be good at it - eventually OCD will go into overdrive. All I know is that this job kicks my ass! I need like a full body massage, a bubble bath, and some chocolate chip pancakes.
It's kind of sad, but irony doesn't hang out with me. But I was given an irony from a friend in one of her classes. One of her classmates doesn't lock his doors at night because he lives in a safe neighborhood, but he sleeps with a loaded gun on his nightstand every night.
Favorite Day of the Week: Monday
Least Favorite Day of the Week: Wednesday
Longest Day of the Week: Tuesday
See, sometimes I look like a decent human being.
(It's only on Friday nights when I'm home alone)