My brother survived his swine flu only to move on to bronchitis. Jesus is seriously out for this human being. First, he had some stomach virus, then we were good for a bit, we then returned back to puking, followed by a sinus infection, he then got to really taste the bacon, and now bronchitis is in the boy's lungs. Oh and somewhere in there he also hurt his ribs because some fat kid shouldered him in flag football.
Taylor Swift was on SNL over the weekend, I didn't watch it, but I saw the videos online later on 49823 of the 234738729 blogs I read. Her opening monologue is really funny even though she calls JoeBear a douche, but it's whatevs. Let's rewind, yes I said it was funny - I have no sense of humor, so you'll enjoy it.
I'm sure you've noticed, but each post title is a song lyric and and the first line of the blog is the next part of the song and it's linked to the lyrics. These songs aren't strategically picked. I literally open my iTunes, go to the iTunes DJ, and play the first song. I just get lucky and twist lyrics to fit my mood or the what the post will reflect.
For the record, my week got a little better. It hasn't been the greatest, but it is definitely an improvement.
In other shocking news, I do NOT think Robert Pattinson is attractive.
Shoot me.
Google's Sesame Street main pages have made my week. They are so cute! Cookie Monster was my favorite. This is Cookie Monster - this guy liked him too! Here they all are - even though this website wasn't too fond of the designs. :( But I am so cool and liked Cookie Monster so much, he made his way into my desktop folder!

Also, just out of pure curiosity I want to know how many people actually read my blog. So if you would just comment this post. I don't care what you say - it doesn't matter to me - maybe where you found it, what you like, what you hate - those are just starters in case you don't know what to comment. It can be anonymous if you want to keep yourself secret. Whatever you want. I'm just curious.
This is my Flash Dance look (now I know what I can be for Halloween next year):

Let's not talk about who/what I was thinking about.
I read your blog, and I hate it all. psh.
i dont read your blog.
I love you blog f*** all the haters.
Jk yo! Hi Ollie and Kirsten. I'm Kaysie!
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