Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shake-a, shake- sugar, But youll never shake me


My brain is fried. I'm sleep deprived. My lips are all fucked. I'm super confused and confident at the same time. My behavior is odd. I really need sleep. I really do.
I also need a vacation. BIG TIME. Halloween weekend I am going home to go to West Virginia. That will be nice.

Currently, I am super sick. Well, not swine super sick. But I sneeze and there is a major issue with me because I am a big baby. My lips are all swollen and red. My nose is no longer functioning with the rest of my body. What can I say, life is awesome.

Oh, hey, yeah you. Pretty much... I liked it. And by "pretty much" I mean I really did. Logically, my problem is solved. That's it. But logic wins in the end. It's like wanting something you can't have but really kind of can, but it in the end it's a big fat no. Make sense? Probably not.
My solution for life: pretend it nothing ever happened/ only deal with it when it comes up. And honestly, I don't see it coming up again.

What am I going to do with myself?

I need a new belt.

I think that's called pathetic, but I'm not sure.

You should read this.
And in case any of you were wondering, I still feel the same way.

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