iTunes, you know me so well. :)
I can not take these boys. I really can't. They're everywhere. Driving me nuts. I want them all. I'm talking all over the spectrum. I have one in mind specifically that I think I may work for, but we all know how these things go.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Woo. I was really surprised when Anthony offered to buy me a present, even though I know he wouldn't actually buy me something.
Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Hopefully exciting too. As long as he isn't a fucking idiot.
I got my end of the semester cold early. My body couldn't hold back anymore. But with my luck this stupid cold/sinus nonsense will stick around until the end of the semester. My body hates me - but that's obvious.
I really hate girls. I know every girl hates other girls for being catty bitches, but really, we are - I'm being a catty bitch right now by complaining about girls being catty bitches. But srsly, some of us are just too much and it's ridiculous. You're friends because you're evil for no reason. And you're just a bunch of jealous whores, literally. I don't care that you hate me. I don't care that you want to get laid. I don't care. I can't help I have better curves than you. Just shut up or slit your throat before I do.
Tonight I have to write a seven- to ten-page paper. That's awesome. I'm not trying to write this stuff.
In better news, the Bears and Eagles are playing tonight! Woo! The perfect game for my birthday! We'll see if Jay Cutler has aim and if the defense can finally play without Urlacher. From a girl's perspective, I like both their uniforms, they both look really good.
The Giants finally won a stupid game.
And I want to meet a diehard Lions. I mean I'm talking s/he wakes up every Sunday morning saying "We've got this. We're going to win this week. I can feel it!" This person would be my best friend. No joke.
Last night Kaysie and I ushered/raffled a play. The usher dude was super serious and intense, it was awesome. Def a younger girl creeper. Lots of lesbians. The stage glowed with gays. It was a good. Definately a much better production of Seussical than Bird's.
Well I am going to watch the game and the Bears are going to either kick ass or get their asses kicked.
swine flu.
Thanks DB.
Home is best. (Monacan wishes it was legit like the alt.)
The alternate is legit.