Sunday, December 19, 2010

I’m pacing, impatient

Up in my head

Remember that time I was getting graded for updating my blog? That was perfect, I got graded on being somewhat funny and an asshole. I miss how simple that was. Now I have to write serious papers on how to fix America's political and media problems - some teachers don't respond well to sarcasm.
The amount of papers I wrote in the last week was ridiculous, I really don't know how my brain is still processing words and their meanings.

I have close to a 50-hour work week this week, and by the time I get on my train at 3:30 (or whenever it arrives from fucking Boston - Boston ruins everything!) on Friday, it will feel like I worked a 100-hour work week. A little piece of advice for those of you Christmas shoppers out there, calm the fuck down. The cashiers aren't all going to walk out on you, I promise - we want to get paid. Also, revert back to kindergarten rules of forming a line. If you are the only one standing strangely away from everyone else, more than likely you decided to ignore the line that was already formed and you are going to get "cut in front of" because no one realizes that you were in line. And to continue on this topic, line breaker, because you are not visibly in line, don't yell at me because I called the guy who was obviously in line and then when I offer to take you instead don't allow him to go, because you just wasted all of our time. I don't know what it is about Jesus' birthday that makes people spend hundreds of dollars on food and take crazy pills, but it has got to stop.

I went out this morning because I needed sneakers for this week so I can keep my feet attached to my legs, Christmas cards, and Dunkin' Donuts, I didn't encounter any crazys luckily, but I was also never persuaded to lose my mind and flip out. So I am not quite sure what the deal is luckily.

Lastly, when I am a rich grown up I won't take crazy pills before appearing in public, nor will I treat customer service human beings like crap because I know how they feel. I encourage you to take my advice.

Today was a weird day, it was my first REAL day off. I am talking no work and no homework. And I just feel weird, empty, and incomplete. I am going to be wishing I had today back, I say around 7:30 Monday night, 4:30 Tuesday evening, 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, 6:30 Thursday morning, and 11:30 Friday morning.

Random fact of the night, I painted my nails Barbie pink tonight - deal with it! :)

I am taking offers from people who want to clean my room. I don't have a whole lot to offer, but I am pretty sure we can try and work something out that will benefit both of us.

SnakeDucca in full effect tonight.
Yes, I am sitting in front of a fan; if I don't my computer will catch on fire.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

If I woke up alone, I won't stop 'till I find you, and you are with me

Cause by now, I know you better than you know yourself.

Can someone tell me if there is a full moon or something? People are work today were nuts! I mean, I know that they are always on the crazy/ridiculous - the store has that effect on people - but I mean, people today were just... indescribable.

One of the joys of being a cashier is having to bag stuff, and if I do say so myself, I am pretty damn good at it. As a curtesy, I ask "would you like one bag or two?" The best answer is to say one. Why? It saves time and you need to man up and use those muscles that you were given. The even better answer is to say "One... if it all fits." It will always fit. ALWAYS. On a rare occasion, your bread, chips, and cookies might not make it, but as a snacker, I don't want to assault the goodies. Men are even better with this, because now to them it's a game; the girl couldn't possibly fit all of that into a bag. Then they think it's appropriate to suggest that I'm not going to make it, and BOOM! You have one bag sir... NEXT!

The second answer I frequently get is to "two bags with the weight evenly distributed." This is helpful if you have two of every item, because then legitimately it can be evenly distributed. But, don't scoff if you buy four jars of sauce, a bottle of olive oil, and then two apples. A cousin situation happened to me today when the woman had four cartons of chicken broth, a large bottle of Orangina, and a bag of shallots. She asks me for two bags (personally, one would've been sufficient), so I doubled the bag, put in two cartons and then picked up the shallots (leaving two other cartons and the Orangina), and before I set the shallots in the bag, she shouts "I want two separate bags! Not just doubled!" I slid the bag toward her and lifted up the second doubled bag and said, "I know." And finished bagging. Now, I don't have a problem with splitting the bags up because in my head I imagine these little old ladies walking lopsided through the park, but relax, you're going to get yourself all stressed out for no reason and you might not make it across the park!

The only time this two-bag thing is annoying is when perfectly capable, young attractive men want two bags for a small amount of things. Someone who is keeping track of things I like and don't like in men, write this down. If you are trying to be my boo (shush, it's hypothetical), you are required to be able to carry a bag of groceries.

Also, because I obviously don't know how to do my job, please tell me to put heavy stuff on the bottom first. Nope! Bread, cookies, chips, and eggs are going in first underneath of five containers of extra large soups.

Oh, these are paper bags with handles I'm talking about. Not palm-slicing plastic bags that rip if you look at them too much.

Oh and PS, if you can't carry it, don't buy so much. I'm not Harry Potter or Sabrina the Teenaged Witch, I can't make your stuff POOF into your high-rise.

And another sidenote, just because it's December and you're required to spend more money in your life, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. The store will be there all day, all week, all month, and even next December. Form a line, wait your turn, and give me your $500.

Speaking of $500, one of my Saturday morning regulars, he comes in and normally spends $200-$300 every week, because he buys for his house and his daughters (I assume that there are two of them because he buys in threes). Do you know what I would do for my dad to buy me gourmet noms every week? Multiple hundreds of dollars? Eh, I guess I'd settle for WalMart - I'd get more food. But I'd like to pick key points in life and just spend a weekend in these privileged lives. But working in this neighborhood and industry has taught me several things.
1. How to be snotty.
2. How to poorly treat people.
3. How to properly treat people.
4. How to scam small business owners.
5. If I ever open a store, you will be required to bring your own bags, or your arms better be made of elastic.

Finally, can we talk about December? Ma'am it is cold outside. And I mean COLD. I don't know how my fingers are still functioning from having to be outside. Yeah I know it's not the midwest, but you could've warned someone and not give me two 60+-degree days and then slap me in the face with 32mph gusts of COLD. Luckily I'm not in a snow globe... yet.

This is what three almost 12-hour days in a row looks like.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Wanna be the One to Walk in the Sun

I am aware this is a cover. Thanks.

1. Can we talk about for a minute how the Bears beat the Eagles. If you're not living under a rock or allergic to the Internet you probably already know about this, whether you like sports or not. My boo Jay Cutler  played his best game ever, and made all of those douche bag analysts shut up for a hot sec. Oh, and not to mention I HATE Michael Vick, so the win was awesome for that reason too.

2. This post from a little over a year ago is funny. Actually it's kind of perfect. In the sense that I'm talking about the same thing and I feel the same way (stuffy nose and everything - but maybe not that extreme). The only difference is there was no man-love between Cutler and McNabb, nor a pouty finale for Jay.

3. I am 21. Wanna know what I did? My brother took me to dinner at Glory Days with a $40 limit. We made it out with $5 to spare. That's right, my brother took me to a sports bar and I remember everything. I didn't get drunk. I'm still cooler than you. :) I don't necessarily feel different, but there are privileges  to being 21. For instance, concerts, art galleries, and winning free food with Kaysie because of my wealth of random knowledge.

4. Thanksgiving break was much needed. I started having crazy dreams about both of my jobs. My rule normally is when I start dreaming about  work, it's time for a break. And two dreams two nights in a row is screaming for a break.

5. I went shopping at JC Penney on Black Friday, like I always do, and I spent $83 - which sounds like a lot, until you hear that I save $126. Boo and yah. I am good at this deal shopping thing. Thank Jesus my birthday and Black Friday are friends - I don't know what I would do if they weren't a couple.

6. The semester has two weeks left, and not only is that crazy, but I am strangely calm. Don't worry, I haven't learned how to handle stress yet. But we'll see what happens in the next two weeks and what the casualty count will be by December 17th.

7. Yesterday was Kirsten's birthday. So this is for her, from her favorite website. Oh, and this.

8. Kaysie and I are starting a girl band. We're holding auditions.
Requirements: must be a terrible singer as well as willing to join our women's curling team.

Damn straight that's lime green plaid.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shush. I know it's been eight years.

Today was an... interesting day.
It went from sleeping, to apple cinnamon waffles, to irritated, to adventures, to glee, to crazys, to Boston and New York equaling Philadelphia.
During this, I was sorted into Hufflepuff - super excited about that one, fuck you Robert Pattinson.
Speaking of Harry Potter, I am creating my own Harry Potter Weekend without the help of ABCFamily. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Part Uno comes out Friday@Midnight. So Bri, Kaysie, Miguel, and I are going to be one of the many humans waiting in line to see the movie the nanosecond it is in theatres. Then Saturday, Kaysie's dad (my lover from another life) is picking me up at my place of business  to drive me to their in the middle of Pennsylvania to chill out with them and see Harry Potter again! Should be epic.

In other news from the day, the short topic of discussion was about dollars in my life that I don't have.
1. If I had an extra $2000 hanging out, I would not use it to get serious, above-life shots for my movie. I would use this handy $2000 to buy some clothes. People who know may think I don't need such items, but I am in the mood to be found attractive, so I'd spend it to be pretty.
2. If I came into tens of thousands of dollars, I would get a boob job. Now I am not talking about a crazy I have to buy brand new bras boob job, more like an enhancement so that I could have that crazy thing women have called cleavage and fill out my bras.

My uncles have a chicken farm and gave me fresh eggs. They are mini and brown and green. They scare me. Is that weird? I don't think so. But it apparently makes me a freak.

That's all I have tonight.
Oh, if you by chance are a restaurant and like fundraisers, holla.

Rouge dinosaur Kaysie and I captured.

More frizz than cleavage.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Singing: "I only want what I can't have"

I don't really have much to say, but I just want to contribute to and confirm the assumption of how crazy I am via photographs.

And I don't mean crazy with un-matching stripes.
(Surprisingly though, those socks do match each other.)

Prepare for a visual orgasm (by my standards of course)...

Monday, January 18, 2010

I hope you choke on those words, that kiss, that bottle - confess (So bury me in memory)

News Flash:

Here's your self-centered post:

Guess what? I'm done. I can't do this anymore.
I am going to say it: We're not friends anymore.
Why? You're immature and a sore loser.

immatureadjective1 an immature Stilton cheese unripe, not mature, premature, unmellowed; undeveloped,unformed, unfinished, raw, embryonic. antonym ripe.2 an extremely immature girl childish, babyish, infantile, juvenile, adolescent, puerile,sophomoric, jejune, callow, green, tender, young, inexperienced, unsophisticated,unworldly, naive; informal wet behind the ears. See note at youthful . antonym mature,worldly.

Just so we're clear...
You and your ego got bent out of shape because you put yourself in the middle of something that had nothing to do with you to begin with, and then I made a few points defending myself and my likes, and all of a sudden I'm an asshole.

I really like your method: you can do and say whatever you want, but as soon as I kiss a boy I'm a slut and when I defend myself I'm an asshole. I forgot my place as a woman, I have to deal with whatever is said to me and keep my mouth shut. You and my favorite person in the world, my father, have the same view: women should be seen and not heard.
When would you like me to come over and do your laundry? I promise I'll wear nothing but a thong! (And that will save me time to find you good porn because you'll have live action voyerism right in front of you!)

Also, I really like the discussion you're having with your friends over how much of an asshole I am. It's reassuring. And I appreciate the insults from your sister - who's never even met me, she's just heard about how slutty and evil I am. Does she know that you expect women to keep their mouth's shut?
Hi, how are you! I am the evil slut your brother has been obsessed with since we were freshman in high school. I'm sorry for being a human being and I was not aware of the "situation" we were in. I hope you liked the shirt that I bought you! Have a great day!

My friends know how immature you are for getting bent out of shape over a Facebook comment. (What exactly was offensive, the fact that I stood up for myself or the fact that I called bull shit on your football habits?) And we make fun of you for your unrealistic point of view. Like I said before, usually the other person knows when you're in a relationship with them. (Then again, knowing me, I probably would've pulled the same slutty moves even if I did know, right?)

I suggest you take the dunda out of your ass before I shove another one up there to make you more of a stuck up, dickhead.

I am going to continue to be a bitch and asshole.
I am going to continue to like guys.
I am going to continue to flirt.
I am going to continue to myself.

I don't need you to make me happy and I certainly don't need you to exert the energy to bend over backwards for me. I was never worth it. And I'm glad I was waste of time.

And if you're really pissed that I stood up for myself and bitched you out - think about our first encounters: you harassed me and I yelled at you.
This formula is nothing new.
I'm fed up with your harassment and double standards.
And you're fed up with me being a strong person and a bitch.

Reality sucks, doesn't it?

And yet you still have no idea how I feel.
You're still the victim to my evil, bitchy ways.

I guess I really need to work on not having feelings, because who knew that it was against the law for women to feel anything and to have emotions!
(I can't imagine how terrible of a person I must be for liking football and baseball AND KNOWING WHAT'S GOING ON!)

What year is it? 1952? My bad, for some reason I thought it was 2010.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

i see that part of this has something to do with mediocre memory

this take is harder than the old and new combined

Hey, it's been awhile, I am going to try and get back in the habit of updating this again.

Since I last bailed:
- I'm 20 (not a teenager anymore).
- I bought my precious iPod Touch.
- The JONAS game on DS is the best.
- My table is covered in paper that I need to glue in my book of crazy.
- I flirt with guys and I don't care.

One of the reasons for this random update is, I would like to address some issues, and hopefully warn some of my current friends and family.

- If you hurt me in ANY way, and I forgive you and you turn around and do it again, I don't want anything to do with you.
- If you pull any double standard bull shit, go fuck yourself and leave me out of it.
- If you neglect to include me in on personal information that effects me as much as it does you. For example, typically, you tell someone when you're dating.

I am sick of putting up with people using me and abusing me, just to hurt my feelings so they can get off with a laugh. It is sick you go out of your way to find something to ruin what I like. I am done dealing with people screwing up, hurting my feelings, and trying to put the blame on me. A human can only put up with so much crap from one person. So next time you think about being funny or lying, maybe you shouldn't do it because if you do, it just shows how much you don't care, (and it doesn't matter how funny it is).

I can't deal with any of this anymore. I'm done.
(But then again to you all, my feelings clearly don't matter to you - I'm not slitting my wrists over you.)

Please grow up and stay out of my life, because I'm done with all of it.

This is all I need:

(Especially to make me happy.)